smacking you around since 2010

First Day Home in Seattle!

Posted by Monkey On Sunday, July 18, 2010 1 comments

Woke up at 4:00 AM.
Took Super Shuttle to airport and flew to Seattle.  Arrived at 11:00 AM (Texas Time).  Finished two of the three books I brought home to read before I touched down.  (WTF, should have brought more.)
Went home and ate and immediately went to sleep.
Woke up ate dinner, remember just how good of a cook my mom is.
Went to Sports Authority and tried to play Wii Fit only to realize how much of a food I must look like to everyone else.
Went out running with my sister whole almost step on this 3 inch long black slug and who after running halfway home, complained that her heart hurt and she felt like she was going to have a heart attack in 8 seconds.
Realized how beautiful the scenery is around my house.  Note to self: must remember to take camera on next run.


Unknown said...

oooh! you went running in the woods =D did you get attacked by any vamps? or did you see the cullens?? or werewolves with no t-shirts?

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